Thursday, April 7, 2011

Collegial Coaching - SDC Knowledge Management Tool Kit

Collegial Coaching – SDC Knowledge Management Tool Kit

According to the tool kit, “Collegial coaching is a process in which two or more professional colleagues work together for a specific, predetermined purpose in order that professional performance can be improved as well as validated.”  The article suggests that the collegial coaching process builds trust amongst participants and establishes a culture where participants are constantly improving.  This allows for effective implementation of new skills, as the following statistics from the article suggest:

·      5% of learners will transfer a new skill into their practice as a result of theory
·      10% will transfer a new skill into their practice with theory and demonstration
·      20% will transfer a new skill into their practice with theory and demonstration, and practice within the training
·      25% will transfer a new skill into their practice with theory and demonstration, and practice within the training, and feedback
·      90% will transfer a new skill into their practice with theory and demonstration, and practice within the training, feedback, and coaching

A collegial coaching protocol is offered, in which a “case” is shared with one to four different “coaches.”  The team of coaches is given minimal time to ask questions, and then discusses what struck them about the case, without the participant of the person who brought the case.  After a discussion ranging from 10 to 90 minutes (depending on the difficulty of the case and the number of participants) all participants debrief the process.

Qualities of a “good coach” are those that have had similar experiences, those with strong communication skills that can “reframe” a situation, and those with empathy.

Related websites are shared at the end, including references to practices at High Tech High.

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