Thursday, April 5, 2012

Effects of Peer Tutoring on Student Achievement

Horvath, K. (n.d.). Effects of peer tutoring on student achievement (Unpublished master's thesis). Retrieved from

The author was a graduate student from Ohio and her research question was: “Does one-on-one peer tutoring have an effect on student academic achievement; specifically, retelling accuracy as a measure of reading comprehension?” (p. 5)  She conducted her study over a four week period in a sixth grade classroom.  The study was limited to two students who participated in peer assisted learning and two students who did not.  The limited nature of her data make the results of her study difficult to qualify as representative of a larger group.

I am glad I came across this thesis for a number of reasons.  Since her research question is very similar to mine, I was interested to see what data she collected and what area of learning she focused on.  The main reason this was a helpful read was her extensive literature review.  I found the list very helpful and plan to use many of the resources listed.


American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition). American Psychological Association: Washington, D.C. 

Brewer, R. D., Reid, M. S. , & Rhine, B. G. (2003). Peer coaching: Students teaching to learn. Intervention in School and Clinic, 39(2), 113-120. 
Dineen, J. P., Clark, H. B., & Risley, T. R. (1977). Peer tutoring among elementary students: Educational benefits to the tutor. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 10, 231-238. 

Elbaum, B., Vaughn, S., Hughes, M., & Moody, S. W. (1999). Grouping practices and reading outcomes for students with disabilities. Exceptional Children, 65, 399-415. 

Enright, S. M., & Axelrod, S. (1995). Peer tutoring: Applied analysis working in the classroom. School Psychology Quarterly, 10(1), 29-40. 

Fitz-Gibbon, C. T. (1988). Peer tutoring as a teaching strategy. Educational Management and Administration, 16, 217-229. 

Greenwood, C. R. (1991). Longitudinal analysis of time, engagement, and achievement of at risk versus non risk students. Exceptional Children, 57(6), 521-535. 

Greenwood, C. R. (1997). Classwide peer tutoring. Behavior and Social Issues, 7(1), 53-57. 

Harris, V. W., & Sherman, J. A. (1973). Effects of peer tutoring and consequences on the math EFFECTS OF PEER TUTORING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 25 performance of elementary classroom students. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 6, 587-597. 

Kamps, D. M., Barbetta, P. M., Leonard, B. R., & Delquadri, J. (1994). Classwide peer tutoring: An integration strategy to improve reading skills and promote peer interactions among students with autism and general education peers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 27, 49-61. 

Kourea, L., Cartledge, G., & Musti-Rao, S. (2007). Improving the reading skills of urban elementary students through total class peer tutoring. Remedial and Special Education, 28(2),  95-107. 
Leslie, L., & Caldwell, J.S. (2011). Qualitative Reading Inventory – 5 (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson. 

Levine, H. M., Glass, G. V., & Meister, G. R. (1987). A cost-effectiveness analysis of computer assisted instruction. Evaluation Review, 11, 50-72. 

Maheady, L., & Harper, G. F. (1987). A class-wide peer tutoring program to improve the spelling test performance of low-income, third- and fourth-grade students. Education and Treatment of Children, 10(2), 120-133. 

McCarty, T., Griffin, S., Apollini, T., & Shores, R. E. (1977) Increased peer teaching with group-oriented constingencies for arithmetic performance in behavior-disoriented EFFECTS OF PEER TUTORING ON STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT 26 adolescents. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 10, 313. 

McGee, G. G., Almeida, M. C., Sulzer-Azaroff, B., & Feldman, R. S. (1992). Promoting reciprocal interactions via peer incidental teaching. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25(1), 117-126. 

Miller, D., Topping, K., & Thurston, A. (2010). Peer tutoring in reading: The effects of role and organization on two dimensions of self-esteem. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 80, 417-433. 

Miller, L. J, & Kohler, F. W. (1993). Winning with peer tutoring. Preventing School Failure, 37(3), 14-19. 

Olmscheid, C. (1999). The effectiveness of peer tutoring in the elementary grades. Retrieved from ERIC database. (ED430959) 

Pigott, H. E., Fantuzzo, J. W., & Clement, P. W. (1986). The effects of reciprocal peer tutoring and group contingencies on the academic performance of elementary school children. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 19, 93-98. 

Schisler, R., Joseph, L. M., Konrad, M., & Alber-Morgan, S. (2010). Comparison of the effectiveness and efficiency of oral and written retellings and passage review as strategies for comprehending text. Psychology in the Schools, 47(2), 135-152. 

Simmons, D. C., Fuchs, D., Fuchs, l. S., Hodge, J. P., & Mathes, P. G. (1994). Importance of instructional complexity and role reciprocity to classwide peer tutoring. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 9, 203-212. 

Topping, K. J. (2005). Trends in peer learning. Educational Psychology, 25(6), 631-645. 

Webb, M. (1988). Peer helping relationships in urban schools. Equity and Choice, 4(3), 35-38.

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