Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Roma non è stata costruita in un giorno...

Annotation by Jaimee Rojas

Dweck, Carol S. (2006). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York, NY: Ballatine Books.

Summary of Key Ideas

Carol S. Dweck, psychologist from Stanford University, advocates for a growth mindset over a fixed mindset in order for people to enrich our lives and become more alive, more courageous, more open to change, and more resilient in this persuasive and practical strategy manual. Citing numerous anecdotes from well-known success stories, Dweck asserts that teh power of our mindset can lead to the actuality of our full potential. Operating with a fixed mindset, one that adopts the belief that talent is given at birth, can lead to barriers that prevent true, authentic growth in our jobs and our personal and professional relationships. A person with a fixed mindset may say, "I am not good at Math." or "I've always been and will continue to be a horrible writer." They approach self-assessment with the belief that their qualities are "carved in stone." This person would say they have a certain capacity for intelligence and a certain capacity for moral decision making...based on a certain personality. Someone with a growth mindset would approach life differently-believing that effort can lead to change and practicing small strategies can result in success. They operate under the notion that anyone can be anything if they work hard enough-that true potential can grow exponentially-if passion, toil and training are at the center of the motivation for change.

Response/Quotes that struck me.

I have turned into a "mindset-diagnoser!" after reading this book...The problem is I am constantly diagnosing others myself...and I have realized that I am a Mindset Schizophrenic...Thanks Dr. Dweck...That's just great! (fixed minset response) I have to work on my mindset (growth mindset response!). I have a love/hate relationship with provocative self-help literature! (fixed mindset response).

A very brief way to teach the difference to kids (or adults): pg 7: "To give you a better sense of how the two mindsets work, imagine-as vividly as you can-that you are a young adult having a really bad day. One day, you go to a class that is really important to you and that you like a lot. The professor returned that mid-term papers to the class. You got a C+. You're very disappointed. That evening on the way back to you home, you find that you've gfotten a parking ticket. Being really frustrated you call your best friend to share your experience but are sort of brushed off. What would you think? What would you feel? What would you do? People with a fixed mindset would say, "I'm a loser" I'm an idiot." Back things always happen to me." How do they cope with failure? Growth mindset users would say, "I need to try harder in class, be more careful when parking the car, and wonder if my friend had a bad day." People with growth mindsets are ready to take the risks to confront the challenges and keep working at them.

pg 125..."As growth minded leaders, [Jack Welch, Lou Gerstner and Anne Mulcahy] start with a belief in human potential and development-both in their own and other people's.

pg 125 "They did this by rooting out the fixed mindset and putting a culture of growth and teamwork in its place."

pg 127 "True self-confidence is "the courage to be open-to welcome change and new ideas regardless of their source."

pg 127 "Select people for their mindset, not their pedigrees." Hire people with inner hunger...

pg 128..."[Jack Welch] opened up dialogue and the channels for honest feedback....he shut down elitism...He rewarded teamwork rather than individual genius."

pg 135..."Whenever a group reached a decision while sober, they later reconsidered it while intoxicated."

pg 189.."It's not that growth-minded parents indulge and coddle their children. Not at all. They set high standards, but they teach the children how to reach them. They say no, but it's a fair, thoughtful, respectful no."

pg 194..."Great teachers believe in the growth of the intellect and talent, and tehy are fascinated with the process of learning...they set high standards for ALL their students, not just the ones who are already achieving."

I intend to write a guide to the right kind of praise and feedback...Sometimes I struggle with what to say to kids so it would be great to have a conversation tool kit to draw from.

Example...if a student spills something in class and becomes hard on himself, tell him: instead of saying "I'm clumsy, you say, The nails spilled-I'll pick them up." Teachers need to model growth-mindsets.

Questions to Generate Discussion:

Does our organization suffer from "group think" sometimes because we are only on contract for 1 year at a time? What about your organizations?

pg 48...Is the growth mindset about personal development or besting others?

How can we help kids to not label themselves?

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